68 items found for ""
- Inside Flow [Yoga & Dance] For Ladies
- Category: Yoga - Difficulty: Moderate to Intermediate - Intensity: 4 [on a scale from 1 to 5] - الفئة: يوقا - مستوى الصعوبة: مبتدئ لمعتدل -[على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] مستوى الشدة: ٤ This class is taught in English إذا كان بجانب اسم المعلمة حرف (ع) يمكنك طلب الإرشاد باللغة العربية Inside Flow Yoga is a captivating fusion of traditional yoga and contemporary dance. In this unique class, we blend the fluidity and grace of yoga with the expressive movements of modern dance, creating a dynamic and soulful experience. Led by our skilled instructors, you'll flow through a series of yoga poses and sequences, seamlessly transitioning between postures with the rhythm of uplifting music. Incorporating elements of dance into our practice adds a new dimension of freedom and creativity, allowing you to explore movement in a way that feels authentic and liberating. "Music is the language of the heart. It helps us to convey feelings through motion in Inside Flow." Join us as we journey inward, moving with intention and grace, and discovering the joy of movement and mindfulness in perfect harmony.
- Ashtanga Mysore for All
IMPORTANT: please book this class on the day before. Booking open until 10pm! - Category: Yoga - Difficulty: Open to all levels - Intensity: 5 [on a scale from 1 to 5] - الفئة: يوقا - مستوى الصعوبة: مناسب لجميع المستويات - [على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] الشدة: ٥ This class is taught in English إذا كان بجانب اسم المعلمة حرف (ع) يمكنك طلب الإرشاد باللغة العربية Ashtanga Mysore is a self-paced and individualized approach to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice. In this class, students are guided through the Ashtanga sequence at their own pace, receiving one-on-one instruction and adjustments from the teacher as needed. This method allows practitioners to develop a consistent and personalized practice tailored to their unique needs and abilities. Suitable for all levels, including advanced practitioners, Ashtanga Mysore provides a supportive environment for deepening one's understanding of the practice, cultivating mindfulness, and experiencing the transformative benefits of the Ashtanga tradition.
- Surya Namaskar:The Light of Yoga for all
1 WORKSHOP SR 275 Friday, Nov 29 | 3:00 PM Surya Namaskar: The Light of Yoga Explore the power of sun salutations, understanding their origins and significance as a vital part of Ashtanga and modern yoga practice. Dive deep into the practice of Ashtanga yoga with Kaz Castillo, a Level 2 authorized teacher by Sharath Jois, renowned for her dedication to the Ashtanga lineage. This 4-day full immersion offers a unique opportunity to experience Mysore-style practice, Led classes, and thoughtfully crafted workshops. Kaz, a devoted student of Sharath Jois, and mentor to many, including Ahmed, will guide you through an authentic Ashtanga journey. When studying under a teacher within the lineage, you not only receive traditional teachings but also carry forward a practice rooted in respect, precision, and depth. Following a lineage brings connection, integrity, and deeper understanding, ensuring you progress with clarity and alignment to the source of Ashtanga. Don't miss this enriching experience to deepen your practice. Secure your spot today!
- Heart Opening Flow For Ladies [Daytime]
- الفئة: يوقا - مستوى الصعوبة: مبتدئ لمعتدل - [على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] الشدة: ٢ This class is taught in English إذا كان بجانب اسم المعلمة حرف (ع) يمكنك طلب الإرشاد باللغة العربية Gentle Heart Opening Flow is a nurturing yoga practice designed to gently open and awaken the heart center while promoting relaxation and ease. Through slow, mindful movements and gentle stretches, participants will explore poses aimed at releasing tension in the chest, shoulders, and upper back. Emphasizing deep, soothing breath work, this gentle flow encourages practitioners to cultivate a sense of compassion and self-love. By moving with awareness and gentleness, Gentle Heart Opening Flow offers a nurturing experience that invites practitioners to soften and open, leaving them feeling grounded, centered, and more connected to themselves and those around them.
- Ashtanga Yoga Led Primary for All
- Category: Yoga - Difficulty: Intermediate to Advanced - Intensity: 5 [on a scale from 1 to 5] - الفئة: يوقا - مستوى الصعوبة: متوسط لمتقدم -[على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] مستوى الشدة: ٥ This class is taught in English إذا كان بجانب اسم المعلمة حرف (ع) يمكنك طلب الإرشاد باللغة العربية Designed for advanced practitioners, Ashtanga Yoga Led Full Primary is an invigorating class that guides participants through the entire traditional Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. Led by an experienced instructor, students will flow through a dynamic sequence of postures, synchronized with breath, to cultivate strength, flexibility, and focus. This class offers a comprehensive exploration of the Ashtanga method, including sun salutations, standing poses, seated poses, and closing postures. With an emphasis on refinement and progression, this class provides an opportunity for advanced practitioners to deepen their practice, explore more challenging variations, and experience the transformative benefits of the Ashtanga
- Hips Opening Flow for Ladies
- Category: Functional Training - Difficulty: Moderate - Intensity: 3 [on a scale from 1 to 5] - الفئة: تدريب وظيفي - مستوى الصعوبة: مبتدئ لمعتدل -[على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] مستوى الشدة: ٣ This class is taught in English إذا كان بجانب اسم المعلمة حرف (ع) يمكنك طلب الإرشاد باللغة العربية Hips Opening Flow is a restorative yoga class designed to enhance hip flexibility and mobility while fostering a sense of release throughout the body. In this class, participants will engage in a series of carefully sequenced movements that target the hips, encouraging deeper stretches and opening in the pelvic region. With a focus on synchronizing breath with movement, this practice cultivates heat and awareness, promoting a connection between body and mind. Participants can expect a mix of flowing transitions and sustained holds in poses that nurture both strength and flexibility. Emphasizing mindful awareness and intentional breathwork, Hips Opening Flow invites practitioners to explore their limits while gently pushing boundaries. Suitable for those at a moderate to intermediate level, this class offers a supportive environment to unlock tension and foster a greater sense of ease and mobility in the hips, leaving participants feeling refreshed and balanced.
- Mat Pilates Essentials for Ladies
- Category: Functional Training - Difficulty: Moderate to Intermediate - Intensity: 5 [on a scale from 1 to 5] - الفئة: تدريب وظيفي - مستوى الصعوبة: معتدل لمتوسط -[على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] مستوى الشدة: ٥ This class is taught in English إذا كان بجانب اسم المعلمة حرف (ع) يمكنك طلب الإرشاد باللغة العربية YogaPilates Essentials is a unique blend of yoga and Pilates that combines the best of both practices into a well-rounded class, focusing on flexibility, strength, and mindful movement. In this session, you’ll experience the fluidity of yoga poses paired with the core-strengthening exercises of Pilates, creating a balanced workout that supports alignment and stability. Each sequence is designed to engage your core, improve posture, and enhance flexibility while calming the mind and building endurance. This moderate-intensity class is accessible for all levels, offering a comprehensive approach to building a resilient, balanced body. Perfect for anyone looking to deepen their practice or enjoy a fresh, integrative workout experience.
- Backbends & Bandhas workshop for all
1 WORKSHOP SR 275 Saturday, Nov 30 | 3:30 PM Heart & Center: Backbends & Bandhas A joyful exploration of bandhas and heart-opening backbends, uncovering how these core elements connect our physical and emotional centers. Dive deep into the practice of Ashtanga yoga with Kaz Castillo, a Level 2 authorized teacher by Sharath Jois, renowned for her dedication to the Ashtanga lineage. This 4-day full immersion offers a unique opportunity to experience Mysore-style practice, Led classes, and thoughtfully crafted workshops. Kaz, a devoted student of Sharath Jois, and mentor to many, including Ahmed, will guide you through an authentic Ashtanga journey. When studying under a teacher within the lineage, you not only receive traditional teachings but also carry forward a practice rooted in respect, precision, and depth. Following a lineage brings connection, integrity, and deeper understanding, ensuring you progress with clarity and alignment to the source of Ashtanga. Don't miss this enriching experience to deepen your practice. Secure your spot today!
- Ashtanga Mysore Full Immersion for all
FULL PROGRAM - 4 days SR 1,400 Ashtanga Mysore Full Immersion with Kaz Castillo November 28th to December 1st | The Yoga House Dive deep into the practice of Ashtanga yoga with Kaz Castillo, a Level 2 authorized teacher by Sharath Jois, renowned for her dedication to the Ashtanga lineage. This 4-day full immersion offers a unique opportunity to experience Mysore-style practice, Led classes, and thoughtfully crafted workshops. Kaz, a devoted student of Sharath Jois, and mentor to many, including Ahmed, will guide you through an authentic Ashtanga journey. When studying under a teacher within the lineage, you not only receive traditional teachings but also carry forward a practice rooted in respect, precision, and depth. Following a lineage brings connection, integrity, and deeper understanding, ensuring you progress with clarity and alignment to the source of Ashtanga. Practice Schedule: Thursday, Nov 28: Mysore 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM (2 shifts) Friday, Nov 29: Ashtanga Led & Q&A 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM Saturday, Nov 30: Mysore 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM (2 shifts) Sunday, Dec 1: Mysore 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM (2 shifts) Workshop Schedule: Friday, Nov 29 | 3:00 PM Surya Namaskar: The Light of Yoga Explore the power of sun salutations, understanding their origins and significance as a vital part of Ashtanga and modern yoga practice. Friday, Nov 29 | 5:00 PM Vinyasa Lab: Socks, Blocks, and Arm Balances Dissect the essence of vinyasa, exploring its role in transitioning between postures and unlocking arm balances with tools like bandhas. Saturday, Nov 30 | 3:30 PM Heart & Center: Backbends & Bandhas A joyful exploration of bandhas and heart-opening backbends, uncovering how these core elements connect our physical and emotional centers. Single practice and workshops options available in studio. Contact Us! Don't miss this enriching experience to deepen your practice. Secure your spot today!
- Stretch & Release For Ladies [Arabic]
- فئة: يوقا - مستوى الصعوبة: مبتدئ لمعتدل -[على مقياس من ١ إلى٥] مستوى الشدة: ٢ يوجا التمدد والاسترخاء تدريب هذا الصف باللغة العربية يوجا التمدد والاسترخاء تركز على زيادة المرونة، التخلص من التوتر، وتعزيز الاسترخاء.حيث تقدم للمشاركات تجربة تتركهن بشعور بالانتعاش والحيوية وأكثر راحة في كل من الجسم والعقل. يتم ذلك من خلال سلسلة من التمددات اللطيفة ووضعيات اليوغا المصممة لاستهداف عضلات الجسم المشدودة وتعزيز الحركة في جميع أنحاء الجسم. مع التركيز على التنفس العميق والحركة الواعية، يشجع هذا الصف المشاركات على التواصل مع أنفاسهم والتحرر من التوتر داخل الجسم. من خلال دمج عناصر التمدد والحركة اللطيفة وتقنيات الاسترخاء.
- Postnatal Yoga for ladies
حصة اليوجا والتعافي مابعد الولادة مرحبًا بك في حصة اليوجا والتعافي ما بعد الولادة، صممت هذه الحصة برعاية خاصة لدعمك كأم جديدة في رحلتك نحو التعافي. تركز هذه الحصة على نقاط أساسية مثل تقييم الانفصال العضلي، تقوية قاع الحوض والأربطة، وتقوية الجسم بشكل عام، مع دمج أفضل تمارين البيلاتس والعلاج الطبيعي واليوجا. يمكنك الانضمام إلينا في أي وقت خلال السنة الأولى بعد الولادة، سواء بعد بضعة أسابيع من الولادة الطبيعية أو بعد ستة أشهر من الولادة القيصرية. يُفضل دائمًا استشارة طبيبك للتأكد من استعدادك للبدء. نرحب أيضًا بإحضار مولودك الجديد معك إلى الاستوديو أو إحضار المربية أو وضع طفلك نائماً بجانبك خلال الجلسة. ولكن لا نقدم خدمات الحضانة، و توفر هذه الحصة بيئة مليئة بالعناية والدعم لمساعدتك على استعادة القوة والمرونة والصحة العامة، مما يجعل انتقالك إلى النشاط اليومي انتقالاً سلساً ولطيفاً. Welcome to our nurturing postnatal yoga and recovery class, thoughtfully designed to support you as a new mother on your journey to recovery. This class focuses on essential areas like diastasis recti assessment, pelvic floor and ligament strengthening, and overall body conditioning, blending the best of Pilates, physical therapy, and yoga. You’re invited to join us at any time during the first year after delivery—whether a few weeks postpartum for natural childbirth or six months after a C-section. Always consult your doctor to ensure you're ready to begin. We warmly welcome you to bring your newborn along. While we don't offer nursery services, you’re welcome to bring a nanny or let your baby sleep peacefully next to you during the session. Our class provides a compassionate and supportive environment to help you regain strength, flexibility, and overall well-being, making your transition back to regular activity smooth and gentle.
- Vibrations & relaxation for ladies
CLASS PRICE SR 445 Vibrations & relaxation, sound therapy and massage Step into a world of tranquility with Vibrations & Relaxation, where the soothing power of sound and the healing touch of massage come together for a transformative experience. In collaboration with Maison Spa, this session is led by yoga and sound expert Ghalia Khaldi, ensuring every moment is designed to nurture both body and mind. Let the gentle vibrations of sound therapy wash over you, harmonizing your inner energy, while professional massage therapists melt away tension with skilled hands. Unwind completely, restore your natural balance, and reconnect with yourself on a deeper level. Prepare to leave this immersive experience feeling lighter, more grounded, and enveloped in a sense of calm that stays with you long after you leave. Class duration 1h30min *Class not included with membership